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Dear Mr and Mrs Faux-Revolutionary

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 , Posted by Joe at 8:06 PM

...please BE QUIET!! I have noticed that lately a lot of my friends have been on this Pro-Revolutionary tip. Normally this wouldn't bother me but your playful fads are now no longer tolerable at this point. I would like to use this entry to explain something to you so as to negate your impudence while drawing a line in the metaphorical sand of what separates "me" from "you".

Please don't throw numbers. I enjoy the fact that you can easily place numbers and statistics in the midst of your imprudent and ill-perceptive rants without posting any citation to legitimately back your claims. But what do I care, I am sure that Maxim and Vanity Fair Magazine have the 411 on Social Economic stability and the Inequitable Divide concerning the dwindling Middle Class. Hey I get my Health advise from reading National Geographic so who am I to judge?

Unlike a majority of readers in the world I just don't skim through an article and take out what I want to hear (Selective Perception has never been my thing)I really do read the entirety of your work and sit and focus on the bigger picture. Although, I was greatly dissapointed when someone uttered the following:

...for anyone between the years 17 - 25 the current unemployment rate is up to 47%. While just under 10% of new college graduates will actually get a job remotely related to their degree due to America's current economic crisis... but what is guaranteed is that they will certainly be in debt

Like every other unpolished novice who thinks they have something important to say, you use the EXACT same tactics to deliver your message as those industries whom you vehemently try to fight to not be like. Plus 10% of what? Was it 10% of the 13% of individuals from a previous study? Some of us know how to read graphs and would like that WHOLE picture please, Thanks!

Your originality does not go without merit though. I know it's hard to have people want to listen to your incessant diatribes about this, that, and the third. The biggest problem I have with this is your use of "Shock-value" to get your message across. Trust me, if you have to result to this ubiquitous stage trick than you really don't have anything worth hearing or reading about. And please don't pester me with your persistence. By forcing me to listen to you tell me how WRONG I am is only going to make your job that much harder, as you further alienate yourself from your target audience.

This is always a interesting position because you only give yourself two options at this point. You either be quiet at the lack of responses or you resort to doing more extravagantly dangerous methods to up your shock value, which will probably land you in prison for bombing a bank to make statement about How Unfair the IMF is and the current condition of our countries GDP. Because in the end we all know how much SOCIAL CHANGE you can bring about while in jail.

Being deemed a "Revolutionary" or a "Revolutionary Thinker" is a title that come through exhibiting a unique and charismatic character. This title doesn't belong to you or your acerbic self-righteous buddies who sit around and bitch and write internet posts and debate foreign policy through infantile conjecture at some drab unconventional coffee house. Last time I checked when did YOU own any of the Modes of Control that determines the economic balance between social classes?

If you must make a point that is about collective well being of your fellow man, please share your knowledge. But do not condemn people for NOT knowing and do not get offensive if people are not ready to hear what you have to say. Many people who live in certain societies have been conditioned differently; which with determine how open they will be in either accepting your message or throwing it out altogether. Many of humans greatest achievements and collective strides were brought on by revolutionaries ability and discipline and tenacity to stay their ground and guide us when we needed them in times of strife and uncertainty.

Sorry I had to bear my teeth but it is necessary to show you where I stand on this particular topic. Which for the record is on the opposite side, not adjacent. I have too many things on my mind in terms of reconstruction of true and vivid agency and autonomy not for people but for multiple persons to live in a society with a proper blend of Subjective and Objective social control to have you running around undoing what I have done thus far. So with that I bid our false revolutionary fan club adieu. Please get your feet off my couch and gather your things because your visit to Chez Revolution is overstayed and I have much work to do.

Joe - OUT!!

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