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Foreign Market - Itaewon

Sunday, June 20, 2010 , Posted by Joe at 5:12 AM

My last adventure was a great reminder for me to appreciate all the small things in life both old and new. For instance, one of my friends was cool enough to show me around Itaewon and some of the key places that an expat like myself might enjoy. This conveniently brings up to the topic of shopping.

While looking for new reading materials, my friend and I stopped to get some lunch. Since they were generous enough to pay for the meal I then agreed to go with them to couple of uninteresting touristy type store's. Trinkets aren't really my deal but hey: You gotta pay your debts right?

After perusing through, what seemed to be, a painful onslaught of stores we end up in front of this little gem.

Interestingly enough after reading the sign I became defiant an protested that I didn't want to go in. (You would think that I would appreciate the ONLY store in South Korea with a sign that I could read). And although I didn't have anything against this place the name just didn't register good images in my head. For instance, when I was younger my mother would take me to the Foreign Market in the states. And each time she would force me to go I would attempt to use my secret power to disappear by closing my eyes. However, she always found me....

The reason that I never wanted to go was because I remember her making me try exotic foods that were bland to my adolescent palette. Fortunately now I am careful to stave away from many processed foods that I grew up with.

So the reason that I threw my 23 year-old-man fit was because of an adolesent memory that literally left a bad taste in my mouth. However, after being coxed inside I found the err of my thinking. The "Foreign Market" was filled with AMERICAN FOOD!! Yep, you heard it hear folks. Every so often I become what the French call "Le Dumbass!" I was so excited after leaving that I wanted to show you a picture of all the stuff I got while inside

Now for those of you reading this in the states, this may not seem like post-worthy material. But I tell you this. Trying to fight a cold WITHOUT chicken noodle soup is a crime! Here is a little detailed map to show you how you can get to the Foreign Market in Itaewon.

The address is South Korea Seoul Yongsan-gu Itaewon-dong 132-28 (feel free to copy and paste that into Google Maps if you'd like) but I decided to hook you up with some pictures.

Starting at Point A - You want to come into Itaewon (Stop 630) on Line Number 6. You want to leave out of exit number 3 when you come up to the street.

Then just walk down the street until you see a Dunkin' Doughnuts which will be on the corner (on your right-hand side)This is Point B

Now immediately you will see Sobangseo-gil street. This is Point C. Take a right and go up the hill.

Keep on walking straight and you should be there in about 4 or so minutes of walking. Then BAM! you are at Point D Welcome to Foreign Market!

Alright gang I gotta get going. As always, Thanks for reading and Take care of yourselves. I miss you all very much.

Joe - OUT!!

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Green Like a Stop Sign?

Green Like a Stop Sign?
Compliments of Elaine Fino