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A Solo Act

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 , Posted by Joe at 7:32 AM

As of August 29th I am officially the only English teacher at my employers hagwon (private school). I really don't know what to say about the recent change in the work schedule, namely because I saw it coming a mile away. While I stay fairly nonchalant about most things I will say that my next 6 months of work cut out for me. With the budget being tight and the potential of hiring new staff virtually zero it is turning out to be more and more of a challenge. Usually classes at hagwons have a small number of students to maximize the amount of efficient instruction. Now that there are only 3 teachers available our classes rival that of a public school.

Again no big deal, we would just agree to change our approach and teach in a more lecture type style instead of revolving one-on-one sessions. But with limited physical classroom space and no over head projectors, power points, or video equipment to aid in the mission the gauntlet seems to be quite a formidable one. Plus all the vacation time I have not used is completely null and void. For the reason that since I am the only English teacher present my classes would not be covered. So "Goodbye" to my dream of going to Busan, China and the Philippines.

If I have not depleted all of my good karma in my first months staying in South Korea, my only wish is that my last few months go by quickly :/
P.S. - I kind of wanted to wait for about a month to see if my attitude would change about the situation before I spoke on it. The verdict is out..Yep this is some Bull-ish!

Joe - OUT!!

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Green Like a Stop Sign?
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