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Day Lights Savings in South Korea

Monday, November 8, 2010 , Posted by Joe at 3:00 AM

So yeah there is none! As the days in darker more quickly as Fall dashes toward Winter I was looking forward to Day Light Savings Time. When I was younger I always seemed to forget but that's what God made Mother's for, because she would always give an announcement to the family that we could either stay in bed for an extra hour or be forced to rise an extra hour earlier.

I feel really bad because I might have told some students that we DID have daylight savings time on Sunday and to set back their clocks. I am pretty sure my kids will have something to say about that this week in class (my bad!).

The funny thing is that I went online after the fact and "Googled" if South Korea had in fact participated in Day Light Savings. I was surprised to find that although they do not, they did some time ago. From the years 1948-1951, 1955-1960, and 1987-1988 South Korean observed the savings but now they do not. All in all it's really no big deal but I just have to get used to running all of my errands in the dark. Be that as it may I enjoyed learning something new today and I thought it would be cool to share it with you. The following image is an updated map from 2010 of all the countries that observe DST (courtesy of Wikipedia)

Blue Areas have DST
Orange Areas once had DST
Red Areas never had DST

Joe - OUT!!

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. Unknown says:

    That is odd. I understand not recognizing or participating in Daylight Savings Time, but why the circle of starting and stopping?

Green Like a Stop Sign?

Green Like a Stop Sign?
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